null hypothesis significance testing造句


  1. It is distinct from null hypothesis significance testing ( NHST ), which is considered to be less informative.
  2. In frequentist inference, the " p "-value is widely used in statistical hypothesis testing, specifically in null hypothesis significance testing.
  3. The subject of hypothesis testing has been debated heavily for many years and there are suggestions that misuse of null hypothesis significance testing is widespread and damaging ( Finch et al . 2001 ), at least in psychological research.
  4. Critics and supporters are largely in factual agreement regarding the characteristics of null hypothesis significance testing ( NHST ) : While it can provide critical information, it is " inadequate as the sole tool for statistical analysis " . " Successfully rejecting the null hypothesis may offer no support for the research hypothesis ."
  5. On one " alternative " there is no disagreement : Fisher himself said, " . . . don't look for a magic alternative to NHST " [ null hypothesis significance testing ] " . . . It doesn't exist . " " . . . given the problems of statistical induction, we must finally rely, as have the older sciences, on replication . " The " alternative " to significance testing is repeated testing.
  6. It's difficult to find null hypothesis significance testing in a sentence. 用null hypothesis significance testing造句挺難的
  7. I recently read a paper by R . S . Nickerson ( Null hypothesis significance testing : a review of an old and continuing controversy ) in which one of the many fallacious beliefs discussed is the " belief that the value at which alpha is set for a given experiment is the probability that a type I error will be made in interpreting the results of that experiment " ( this section starts on page 258 of the issue in which this article appeared ).


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